Our kids…
Why is it so hard to love and let them fail? The example God has set before us is so hard to follow.
Why do we feel the need to keep them from scraping their knees, getting hurt, or failing? Aren’t life’s REAL consequences better teachers than any lectures from us?
And repeat a grade? By all means, “NO”!
It is so hard when they won’t take the “wisdom” in the advice we have to offer. It’s about the whole child, right? Not just the grades…
I tell myself that and also wonder how to make him/her see the importance of grades in getting them closer to his goals.
What do you tell her to make her understand that who she is in Christ is more important than the cheer squad? And why didn’t someone tell me hormones and teenagers is worse than the zombie apocalypse?
Breathe. Just breathe. In and out. Light, not darkness.
Raising kids is hard, teenagers harder. Knowing when to let go? The toughest thing ever.
It’s enough to make you squeeze blood from your tear ducts. And that is the honest truth.
Just Breathe.
Oh, teens. They are something. Much harder than toddlers. Hang in there.