Archives for March 2012


Some of you know of my strange but loving obsession with farm fresh eggs.  I love the ones that are multicolored.  Each one is unique, yet the same.  This morning I was cooking eggs and something struck me about there being three left in the carton.  An odd number, three.

A divine number.

So as I cooked I looked over at the cracked eggs and thought how much like the eggs my life is.

It’s all broken, slimy, crooked.  Oh, it often looks neat from the outside but when you look inside?  Hmmmm…..makes a girl want to run and hide.  Or does it?  Maybe it’s in this broken slimy place that I feel God’s radiant love shining into my life.  He doesn’t expect me to be perfect, knows I can never be even when I strive for perfection.  I really believe when I stop pretending I feel Him the most.  I take off all the masks and allow His light to fill me.  The slime seems less slimy, the edges less rough and the crookedness a uniqueness given only by Him.

What about you?  Are you hiding?  Can you feel the freedom of letting “perfection” go?


When do we, as moms, rest?

What does it look like?

This morning I dropped one off at school and am sitting on the back porch with two of my other kids.  It’s 76 in Florida.  The wind is blowing.  I hear the neighbor’s wind chimes.  It’s peaceful.  But I have a million things running through my heart, soul and brain that I “have to do”.  Why can’t I stop and soak in the morning?  When did I forget to rest in the moment…the one where Jesus lives….the now, the I AM??

My third-born lost two teeth last night.  So we’re sitting here looking up what teeth are made of.  We’re talking about enamel and dentine.  We’re homeschooling the way  I want to homeschool……checking out the things we are interested in.  Today it is teeth.  Tomorrow it may be poop, who knows!!!!

After talking with my good friend “The Scooper” I chose to rest in the day.  Math can wait.  Language can wait.  Teeth are the topic of the moment.

Now we talked about “belonging to” instead of just “believing in” God.

And now we’re off to brush teeth, eat breakfast and begin our day.

But this morning’s breeze is balm to my soul.  The Holy Spirit’s breath on my exhausted soul and body.  Love from the Father.  Birds chirping remind me that He is the Creator of all things, the author and perfecter, the finisher.  My striving means nothing…….  for it is in repentance and rest my salvation is found and it is in quietness and trust I find my strength.   (Isaiah 30:15)

Rest today sisters.  Rest today dear husband.  Rest today dear Scooper.  REST.

Agility Training Day 2 – UGH!!

Hello there…

It’s been a long time since I’ve visited my ole blog.  Life has been crazy busy and I haven’t had much to say.  It’s been crazy February weather in Jacksonville.  Yesterday was 88 and Saturday the high is in the 60s.  My sweet husband and I will have been married 16 years tomorrow.  Friday night date night!!  Yea!!  It’s hard to believe 16 years and four children, the oldest being 13, have gone by like the wind.  God tells us our time here is fleeting and although the days sometimes seem to crawl, the years fly.

So Happy Anniversary to my sweet hubbie tomorrow!!

I love you.
