Day 26 – The Past and Reality

Once upon a time I got to dress her.  She wore whatever I wanted her to wear.  I bought clothes off Ebay and loved some of the funky things I found.

Fast forward to today.  She fixes her own hair…..wore it in a ponytail on the side yesterday.  Each day is a different style.  She still won’t wear the things in her closet I want her to wear.  That has been gone for years.  I now sell things on Ebay instead of buying them.  If I do purchase something it is because she’s come to me and said, “Mom, I want pink cowboy boots for Christmas.” or “I want to be a cowgirl for Halloween.”

The days go by so fast.  I wonder if I’ve stopped to smell the roses enough…to enjoy them at whatever age they are.

One day she won’t ask, “Mom, do I look ok?”

She will just walk past me out the door for something she has planned.

And I’ll look back, once again, at all these pictures and wonder, “Where did the time go?”

Enjoy your children today.


  1. How sweet….I love all the pictures of Danielle. And, thank you for the reminder to enjoy every moment!! I think as parents we can’t be reminded enough to live in the moment and truly ENJOY….even when they are fussy and I am sleep deprived. Love to all the Worthys!

  2. i LOVE the picture of her in the red and white outfit with her cute little pig tails!

  3. Such sweet pictures of her. 🙂

    Anya is getting there, too. All the dresses I have made for her are just sitting in the closet…unworn. Luckily I have a cousin that has an almost 2 year old little girl. She’s getting most of her old clothes. I’m only keeping a few things I have made.

  4. Sweet, sweet girl. I so remember her at those ages. I feel the same way about my girl…it is going by in a flash and oh how I miss those little girl days. And yet these days are so sweet in a different way. We connect more and have more in common. I’m actually looking forward to the days ahead but I am definitely not rushing them!!!

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