Just Yesterday!

It really was just yesterday she was born and I couldn’t figure out why she never wet her diaper!  After three boys I was accustomed to having diapers wet in the front, not the back.  It only took me three days to figure out that one.

But somehow I missed 7 whole years and was invited to a pool party last Saturday.

Where does the time go?  Who gives it wings.  Why are we in survival mode and then puberty?  No one told me about puberty!!!

From diapers and breast feeding to getting fashion advice from her…I am not sure where the time went.

But lo and behold, she is seven.  Soon it will be driving, then college.

I think my womb hurts!


  1. Rachael says:

    I feel your pain. It does seem kind of like what you describe. I am trying to enjoy the journey. My girl has peed on me more than my little boy! I was surprised by that.

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