Archives for June 2011

When nothing makes sense…

I often wonder what to do when nothing makes sense.  Life doesn’t work.  Family is far from functioning in a healthy manner.

All I know to do as a parent does not work…

What do you do?

When your child won’t go to bed after 3 hours?…..

What do you do?

When you are exhausted, at the end of your rope and about to bust a blood vessel…

What do you do?

When you know God is working all things for your good yet none of it makes any sense….

What do you do?

When you know that you know that HE is GOD! Jehovah………

Yet, this earthly life and body feel so alien to you and the longing to be HOME without sin, without blemish, with the ONE who loves you most….

What do you do?

When none of the puzzle pieces fit…..

“Lord Jesus, what does this weary one do?”

Atlantic Beach, NC


What a wonderful break from life.  Here’s just a small sample of silly photos to come.

This is baby girl with her cousins.  Just a hoot aren’t they???

Just Yesterday!

It really was just yesterday she was born and I couldn’t figure out why she never wet her diaper!  After three boys I was accustomed to having diapers wet in the front, not the back.  It only took me three days to figure out that one.

But somehow I missed 7 whole years and was invited to a pool party last Saturday.

Where does the time go?  Who gives it wings.  Why are we in survival mode and then puberty?  No one told me about puberty!!!

From diapers and breast feeding to getting fashion advice from her…I am not sure where the time went.

But lo and behold, she is seven.  Soon it will be driving, then college.

I think my womb hurts!


She looks so sweet….our new kitty.  When Cruiser, one of our cats from SC, decided to cruise on off we searched for months for him.  We missed him a lot and hoped God would bring him back to us.  That did not happen.  So we finally went in search for a new kitty.  I would have liked to have an older cat who is out of the kitten stage but that isn’t what we decided upon.  None of the older cats seemed to fit us and Noelle looked so cute.  As a girl, we were hoping she would get along with our 18+ pound Fred.

She’s quite the lounger.  She plays hard.  She sleeps hard.

It’s easy to get sucked in, laying on the floor next to her rubbing her as she purrs….

She will lay her paw on your nose or on your arm as if she is loving you right back….

And her sweet little tongue comes out as she relaxes beside you…

Then when she really has you sucked into her sweetness….

She turns into super wild, possessed kitty with the stinkiest poo this side of the Mason Dixon line.

Look at that facial expression…..even tho my focus is on her paws.  WILD CRAZY KITTY!

And just as she has done here….she sucked us in.  The child will climb walls, walk on plant shelves, sneak into places she just ought not be, and drink out of the toilet.


And then when I’m ready to strangle her, she turns into sweet kitty again.

Oh, the cycle of cat life!!
