Missing in action…

Hello there all of you who have had the time to visit blog land lately.

Yes, I admit it.  I’ve been missing in action.  We’ve been busy with school and then a trip back home to SC and then school again and…well, life, and…and….you get the idea.

We only have 4 weeks left in our homeschool co-op.  Yippee!  Then life slows down to a crawl compared to what it looks like now.  I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to comment on The Pioneer Woman’s blog here. I have been floored and humbled by the wonderful advice and thoughtful words of encouragement.  It’s so wonderful to have a forum for reaching more people than my humble blog reaches.  I have OMSH to thank for publishing my comment and taking the time to understand what I was asking and the information I was seeking.  For those of you who did not read her blog that day here was my question:

“I have a struggling learner who is 12. He’s in the 6th grade. I’ve done some brain integration therapy with him and read the books. He’s definitely right brain and has auditory blocks we are working through. My daughter who is 6 is exhibiting the same signs of behavior but I’m recognizing them at an early age. My middle two sons are fairly easy going and I feel that because I have to spend so much time on the other two these easy kids get shorted. I need some help, some direction, some other mom that might have a struggling learner and some hope to offer.”

If you can identify with this question in any way click on over to Ree’s blog and read some of the amazing comments.

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