
Since I began this post several weeks ago I’ve traveled home to SC for a week long visit leaving left my new user name and password in Fla.  So there was no blogging while I was gone.  But I was personally able to touch and druel over The Scooper’s classroom nook.

Then we came back to our last soccer game and began a 5 day battle with the upper respiratory crud.  It’s been rough on my oldest who has had a fever for 4 days.

I’m thrilled to have a new blog site all my own.  I’ve loved HSB but it was time to move on.  Time to spread my wings and fly.  I hope some of you will still drop by to see me.  I can’t wait to see how the new blog design will end up.

Back to Soccer…here’s my baby…my 6.5 year old, size 3 shoe wearing baby…

I don’t know why I love this picture of her.  Maybe it’s the look of concentration on her face as well as the signs of the young woman I see her becoming.  She’s a mess, this last born of ours.  I love the way her hair curls around her face when she’s hot.  She can put her pony tail in all by herself now.  Quite an accomplishment until the day we visited the Super Cuts.  Now she’s sporting a sweet bob again and a trophy.

She was so excited to have her first trophy and toted it around everywhere before we convinced her it belonged on a shelf.

Baby girl and I are diligently learning how to read, my least favorite schoolish thing to do.  She’s doing very well I might say but because I find it grueling so does she.

Coming home to FLA has been a bit of a smack in the face.  REAL school instead of fun field trips.  No friends instead of terrific friends and then a bought of sickness.  But SC soothed our souls with 38 degree nights, campfires and lots of visits with my sweet friends.

We’ve made our own little campfire set up since returning.  It’s not our big pit we had in SC but it’s a nice iron looking thing that fits a little better in our gated FLA neighborhood.  But I wonder still at the house God has for us here.  After my hubbie left SC to return to FLA my boys kept the campfire burning in the back yard for three more days.  My second-born loves the woods, chopping down limbs and fanning the flames of the campfire.  My heart wants him to have those things here too.  He’s a boy after all!!!

So we continue to wait and watch…keeping our hands out of what belongs to God…our lives.


  1. OK, baby girl looks TOTALLY different with her hair in a bob. I thought you had taken a picture of a friend for a sec before I realized that it was the after photo. Wow! I think it’s because it is so straight too. Did you flat iron it or does it usually look that way and just gets curly when she’s hot?

    The lady who cut it fixed it and I think she just blew dry it that way. Believe me it has not looked that good since.

  2. Hey Julie!
    I followed you over here from your HSB blog. OH MY WORD! Your baby girl looks SOOOO cute with her hair bobbed like that! Awww!!!
    I’ve enjoyed catching up with you a bit tonight! Looks like you’ve had lots of fun things going on!
    Love, Alyssa

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