Oh how I love field trips…

While visiting in SC we took the time to spend part of our day in Greenville.  Downtown Greenville is such a fun place.  Whether you are on a date or with the kids there is something to do!  Reedy River Park is a favorite spot of ours.  The lack of rain caused the normally gigantic waterfall to appear to be a trickling faucet.  But we had fun exploring the creek bed, looking for critters and jumping on rocks.

They even had the fountains a beautiful pink color in honor of breast cancer awareness month.  Baby girl thought this was awesome.

Not a lot to say tonight.  Just wanted to share some pictures and to tell you that I squished an extremely large angel named Ronnie last night.  I fell off the ledge around our hot tub and landed almost exactly the way I did when I broke my left foot.  This time it was the right but thankfully there was no tell-tale snap.  It’s a wonder too.  Hard wood vs concrete.  The hard wood won.  I’m sore and bruised but am without a even a sprained ankle.

For those of you who are wondering I named my guardian angel long ago.  I don’t want to get to heaven and not have a name for him.  Do you have a name for yours?

Thanks Ronnie, for taking the hit for me.


  1. I forgot about how you named your guardian angel. I’ve never thought of a name for mine. I’ll have to think on that one.

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