Traveling again…with numbers.

Numbers often cause me to feel comforted……then other times, uncomfortable.

But driving home yesterday (back to Florida) I felt comforted by these numbers.  It had been a good week of visiting friends, another piece of letting go, bringing more furniture, and several HARD conversations with Rocketman.  (Note to self:  I’m going to have to come up with a new name for him now that he no longer works for a company that makes airplane ignition systems).

Hello lovely digital car odometer numbers. Predictable.  Rational.  Systematic.  Orderly.  Infinite.  Well, unless when they represent mileage on a car.

Hello again….predictable friends of mine.

And the numbers I’d been waiting for……

Hey there round, straight, nice pretty numbers.

Oh! Here are some more.  I like you too.

Oh, I know what’s next!!!

I liked these too….

There is something comforting about God’s order of things (like numbers).  They spoke to me as I pulled a U-Haul and kids 6 hours to Florida yesterday.  The kids kept asking why I was taking photos of the odometer.  “I don’t know.”  I’d say.  “I just want to.”

Rocketman followed or led depending upon whether or not I was talking on the phone.  He says I go fast when I’m not and slow when I’m talking.  That’s probably a good thing right??  Oh, and yes, I pulled over to take everyone of these shots.

Even the fact these made it all the way made me feel good.

The passenger side seat looked like this:  gifts from friends, plants from the house, water cup for dog, band-aid that has been wrapped around my hanging plant for about 15 years…..

And a few of my favorite things that sat on my desk once I got home……my favorite lamp (I had to talk myself into buying), two of my favorite vases, my candle from a dear loved and missed friend , my favorite photo of baby girl picking flowers (sorry for the flash), my new phone and my coffee cup (also from that sweet friend) and a supply of pens and pencils.  Something about them bring comfort too.


Feelings evoked from material things.

Thank you Lord for both.

Won’t it be wonderful when one day all our comfort is derived from just looking upon His face?  I’m thankful now though that I’m allowed a few creature comforts.  Now….off to that cup of coffee on my desk.


  1. Hi J, LOVED the odo shots- i too like the really significant numbers ticking over- i get pretty excited at most of the 10000/20000 etc.
    It would have been tough to be back- make you all the more homesick.
    I’m glad you have your familiar things around you. I thi k of you often and pray for some really lovely friends to come into your new life and for God’s comfort to fill your heart, enjoy that coffee 🙂
    Biggest hugs

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