What a difference a few hours can make……

This morning I arose with my hubbie at the ripe ole hour of 6:30am.
My back has been bothering me lately and sometimes staying in bed in the morning just plain hurts.

So instead of trying to go back to sleep I decided to do something I haven’t done in a while…..

My bible study.
Imagine that……
A whole hour alone with God before the noise of the house began.  A cup of coffee.

My present Beth Moore study and my “barely held together” bible from my dear friend, Andrea, many years ago.  And guess what today’s lesson was about?  Judging others – that quick judgment that comes when we immediately size someone up based on how they look or how they are acting.  Talk about stepping on toes…..

Thank you God for allowing me the privilege of digging into your Word today.
Help me to yearn for you every day that way.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Old bibles with lots of notes and the imprints of things we've lived and God has shown us are the best.

  2. ApplesofGold says:

    Ahh-I know what you are talking about. I enjoyed reading your blog for a bit! Holly

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