I HEART faces Hilarious Outtakes Photo

This week’s Hilarious Photo Challenge fits great with this "outtake" of trying to get the grandkids and the grandparents photo taken while we were all together at Christmas.

But one unnamed Granddad kept acting up and pinching an unnamed Grandma in an unnamed place.
The next two photos describe it best as my niece hides her face in embarrassment as someone shouts "Grandbo STOP!"


  1. so funny! it's great that Grandbo still has it in him – lol! hehehe!

    my shots are up now, too. feel free to come on over for a visit anytime :O).

  2. so funny! it's great that Grandbo still has it in him – lol! hehehe!

    my shots are up now, too. feel free to come on over for a visit anytime :O).

  3. I love it! Priceless!


  4. basketflat says:

    Too Funny.

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