The new addition

Our family, like most homeschool families, has had an array of animals one might call pets.  We’ve had

  • a salamander
  • about 10 cats at one time or another
  • a dog
  • raised a baby robin
  • all sorts of spiders
  • one of those bright red shiny furry ant/wasp things
  • turtles
  • a frog here and there
  • fish
  • mice
  • and even considered a horse once

It has taken me a long time to weed our cats down to just 2—-Fred (the 18 pound monstrosity) and Cruiser (the neighbors stray cat that somehow became ours).  Fred and Cruiser happily co exist with Sparky, our dog, who by the way weighs 1/2 of what Fred does.

So you can imagine my surprise when three weeks ago my husband and 2 boys come home from football practice with a stray cat that they found on the football field.  An 8 week old, flea infested, sweet little tabby kitten.  The fact that my husband let her in his truck at all is a miracle to me.  He’s not a big cat fan.  When we married he inherited my cat with me.  Since that time, 13 years ago, I think we’ve had about 10 cats.

So here is our newest addition…..Raider (an appropriate name for a girl cat found on The Raider’s football field).  Don’t you think??

Sweet and asleep last night after playing outside and climbing trees all day….

And just for comparison…..a photo beside Fred who was none too happy about being dragged out from under the bed where he was fast asleep for a photo-op.

At the last weigh in Fred was close to 18 pounds and Raider was 2.2 lbs.

Gray tabbies must really like us, huh?


  1. crazybusy says:

    Oh!!! Your new little kitty is adorable, Julie, as are your pictures! I can't believe how much he looks like Fred! 🙂

    Love, Alyssa

  2. probablytracy says:

    Cute!!!! and 18 lbs, wow!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I have lived all over too and miss things about each place…especially TN!

  3. It looks like Fred is her daddy! What a sweet little thing – love the shots you took of her. LOL at the size comparison. Fred is rather rotund! 🙂

    Have a beautiful weekend,


  4. tn3jcarter says:

    Raider is SO cute. Reminds me of our George (who looked like your Fred!).

    Tripp's come a long way to live with all those animals. :O)

  5. basketflat says:

    She's too cute. I love her dark color. I'm happy for you that you get to keep her. I'm allergic to cats and combine that with the flea issue we had with our cat, our cat, who adopted us, has to stay outside. 🙁

    Anyhow, she's just cute. And you can tell friendly. She looks like she is kneading in one of the pics.


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