Slip N Slide

OH What fun to get wet in the sun….

And then at last….

Shake your head fast…

Then run side by side….

It’s a fun ride….

on the slip-n-slide!

But baby sister with the broken arm and rat’s nest in her hair is so sad she can’t join in…

But Praise God that after Tuesday she’ll be right in there with them!
Cast comes off, pin comes out and she’ll have “an arm like other one”.

Thursday Blessings to you all!


  1. Anonymous says:

    The boys look like they are having a blast! It's not quite warm enough here for all that, but hopefully soon. Glad to hear your little girl will have her arm back soon…that's great news! I can imagine she is only too ready for it. 🙂


  2. crazybusy says:

    That looks like FUN! 🙂 Great pics!

    Love, Alyssa

  3. basketflat says:

    That actually looks like their sliding uphill, LOL. Poor little baby sister to miss out on the fun. I'm glad you all are having a great early summer. How does the school year go down where you are?


  4. basketflat says:

    I think so far each year I don't feel like I get done what I wanted to. Yet, I'm thankful that my oldest is so young that in reality it all shuffles out – and I can know, most importantly, that I am instilling a lifelong love of learning in her.

    I am such an independent spirit that I don't feel like I can go with anyone else's pre-planned curriculum. I think that is part of my struggle. I plan on writing out my plans by the end of July this year hopefully (we'll start school the beginning of September when the schools start here).

    I also think that it will be nice, one day, when all my kids are of school age. The ones too young for dedicated school do make it a challenge.

    I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing summer.


  5. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    Yay! for the cast coming off. Looks fun. I never thought of using the floats to slide with. Does it work well? We took the slide we bought back because they didn't slide on it, even going downhill.


  6. Hope your baby girl did get her cast off! It'd be no fun to have a cast on in the summer. I'd love to see you soon. Your pictures look great.

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