Just Me!

Hey.  It’s just me.  Sweet me.  Mean me.  Mommy.  Wife.  Daughter. Sister. Friend.  Enemy.  Child of God.

Child of God.

That’s the one I need to remember the most.  Especially on the yucky days.
The days when I want everyone to leave me alone for just 10 minutes of peace and quiet.  So I can do something really important like go to the bathroom without anyone yelling for me.  So I can sit and do my bible study or listen to something on the radio without someone screaming that they need their butt wiped.

Or me yelling back, “Give me just a minute, PLEASE!”

There is a resting in knowing who I belong to.  And a peace when I rest in the truth that he loves me no matter what.  Even on the yucky days. Even on the days when I’ve got nothing.  Nothing to give.  Nothing to use.  Nothing to say.  Nothing good.  Nothing wholesome.  Just blackness.  Just the same old same old same old sweeping floors, cleaning up candy wrappers, putting poopy toilet paper actually IN the toilet.

To know that my God looks down upon me with a smile, a shake of his head and a nod of compassion means the world to me.  He knows what it’s like to have a hard day……

………to tell people (kids) over and over and still they do not “see”.

“Lord, open their eyes to see you.”

“And while you are at it, I’m going to hang on your shirt tale until you give me the grace, the love and the compassion & strength to be what you’ve called me to be, to do what you’ve called me to do.”

“Because without you I’ve got nothing.”

“Nothing at all”


  1. Anonymous says:

    That's "Good Stuff" Julie, thanks for sharing! God bless, Melinda

  2. basketflat says:

    Yes and amen..

    Hanging on to this shirt tail called grace.

  3. SandBetweenMyToes says:

    I needed that today…this week…this month…..


  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks again for your encouragement along the way in life ~ I was blessed by this this morning as well … and enjoyed the pics of your boys playing ball! the boys ask all the time, "do we know anyone with boys like us who will come and play ball so we don't always have to play against each other???" I only wish we knew someone close to us! 🙂 we're finishing up soccer season just now and moving into track – I think we have May off! 😉

    Blessings to you and have a wonderful day!

  5. BunnyBear says:

    our most treasured and precious role in life.. Child of God. Thanks for this.

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