Please pray for Fred, the rather large cat.

When I returned home from my weekend away I noticed Fred was acting strange.  His stare was weird and he wobbled when he walked.  I immediately checked him over thinking he was hurt or maybe had eaten something poison.  A quick call to our friend who is a vet told me that it probably wasn’t life threatening but he needed to be seen the next day.  We were at the vet’s office at 9:30am yesterday morning.  The diagnosis?

Vestibular Syndrome or Dizzy Kitty.

It’s believed that it’s an imbalance in the middle ear.  I guess it’s a lot like our vertigo.  They are not sure of the cause but it can go away as quickly as it starts.  If it doesn’t it is often cancer or something else.

Since Fred is only two I’m hoping the diagnosis is correct and he’ll be back to his normal self soon.
In the meantime he can not go outside and we are watching him walk into walls, stumble and look at us like he’s on some good kitty drugs.
It’s sad.

I’m ready to see this personality back in his face.
Please pray for him.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I hope he's back to his normal self soon. He's such a cutie.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I hope Fred gets better soon!!!


  3. Anonymous says:

    My cat Sugar is doing the same thing but she's had a stroke. The wobbliness is not getting any better or any worse and they can't give her any meds or anything b/c of her age (she's 17). So yeah. Doubt Fred had a stroke tho since hes so young. Hope he gets better soon!

    ~ Carrie C

  4. The Scooper says:

    Poor Fred.

    We missed you at Bible study yesterday.

    It's been a gloomy week here. How are things over there?

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