My view on Saturday

Well, this is how I’ve spent Saturday. 

Nice, huh???

Here’s the view without the sock.  Just in the event you are interested.

Even nicer, huh??

I had a small (like the size of a speck of dust) mole removed from my foot.  It was one of those "not okay" moles.  I’m always amazed how they pop up in places that have never seen the light of day.  I mean, the bottom of my foot???

The surgery to remove it and all surrounding flesh ended up being about quarter size.  And honestly, it wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t in the arch of my foot where the skin CAN NOT stretch or I’ll pop the stitches.  Therefore, the crutches you see in the background of the first photo.

And baby girl woke up at 1am throwing up.  She was sick all night and finally quit throwing up around 7am this morning.  She’s slowly taken liquids since then and kept them down.  I think she has a low grade fever but nothing too bad!

So I spent the day on the bed with my foot propped up and she spent the day here…beside my bed, beside the trashcan, on the floor.

Thankfully everyone else in the family is okay.  Just the girls are down and out.

On a brighter note a very good friend of mine is visiting this weekend.  I haven’t seen her in FOREVER and am trying to bribe her back here on my birthday which is next month. 

I’ll be 24.

I wish.

Oh and I got to babysit a precious 5 week old yesterday.  Oh, that baby smell!!!

I miss it.

Going to stir the soup.
Have a good weekend.


  1. The Scooper says:

    You poor, poor thing. Being laid up AND having a child with the vomits…that's dreadful.

    You need some pretty paint to cheer you up.

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    It's good that you got that mole taken care of though. Good job staying on top of things. :o)

  3. Sorry to hear about the foot and your girl being sick. Hope everyone feels better today!

    I had one of those moles where the sun didn't shine, too. Wierd how that happens when I don't get them on my face or arms that never got sunscreen growing up.


  4. Oh, that's too bad. I'm glad you got it removed though.

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