It's all at the park!

Last week in the cool but brisk 50 degree weather we ventured into Greenville for a field trip to the theater to watch The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  It was a great play put on by a group that caters to school children.  It lasted about an hour and was fun to watch.  Afterwards we visited a local park and had such a blast running around trying to keep warm.  Here’s a couple pictures from our day!

The kids had a blast on this thing…..

They would take turns pushing each other and trying to stay on without holding on.  Because the "merry go round" was set at an angle it was quite a task.

I love the action I captured in these two shots (the one above and below.)

This thing was another hit.  Since everything was angled in some strange way it made for so much more fun.  Everything felt wobbly!

Three boys trying to hang on this time!

Baby girl tried her hand at hanging on.

Next was this cool skateboard type thingie…

I wanted to try it but I was chicken!
I think I succeeded in wearing them out though!

Today was almost 70 here and gorgeous!  Spring is just around the corner. 
Hope you had a great weekend.


  1. basketflat says:

    50 degrees this time of year? That's balmy! What a cool park. I've never seen one of those new fangled merry go rounds. 70 degrees sound luxurious. We might get snow this week. I'm excited!


  2. Great pictures! I love the action and fun in these shots. It captures the "tween years" beautifully!!!!!

    Way to go, friend.


  3. tn3jcarter says:

    I had the craziest dream the other night. I dreamed that we lived in this huge massive house and that you and your family and the Resolved to Worship chick and her family all came to visit. It was just this great, crazy time with all of the boys playing except I kept thinking that with all of those blonde headed boys I would get names mixed up.

    Thought you'd get a kick out of that. Have a great week!

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