Doing myself a favor…

Today I did myself a favor.  I slept in.
It was sweet!  I had planned to go to bible study but when I got out of bed it was rainy and cold.  And I thought “Oh, what a good day to crawl back in bed”.  So as soon as the sitter arrived I did just that.  From 9am until 12pm I slept like a bear.
A friend told me that women are nurturers.  I knew that.  But she also told me that we forget to nurture ourselves.  So this morning I did just that.
Hmmm…..wonder what time they’ll let me get in bed tonight?

And just because posts are better with pictures….

“Learning to shoot one handed”

Have a great night and tomorrow.


  1. Great action shots. I have trouble getting good action shots. I bet you get a lot of practice with your boys. You are right blog entries are better with pictures :).

    You impress me. Even if I want to, I can't sleep if there is a babysitter much less if I know anything is going on.

    Have a great rest of the week.


  2. Now that sounds like a great way to nurture yourself! I need those days to occassionally recharge, too. Good for you!

    Love the action shot of your boy, too. 🙂


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