A Full Recovery

Since loosing half my foot meat to the dermatologist (see previous post) on Friday I’ve made a full recovery and have been shooting a little hoops…..

Not really.
Did I get ‘cha?

I’m still hobbling around but without crutches now or crunches as my boys call them or walking sticks as my daughter calls them.

My buddy  The Scooper has a wonderful post today on grace.  Go check out her wonderful photography.

We watched 24 last night.  Boy was it good.
And next week is the last episode of The Bachelor.
Yes, I shamelessly admit I watch it, TVOed, and FF’ed through some parts.
But I watch it.

Have a great Tuesday.
My kids are having trouble concentrating on school today.


  1. chickadee@afamiliarpath says:

    in my defence much of the makeup i buy is so cheaply made (not so cheap) that the lids break off immediately. that makes me so mad. but your comment made me laugh. i know it's horrible.

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