My first OFFICIAL photo session

A family we go to church with asked me to take some photos of them this week.  What began as a great day ended up as a cloudy evening.  Although we did shoot that day we’re planning another day with a blue sky!  Here’s one of my favorites from the shoot.  The horse had just nuzzled the child in the photo and dad was laughing.  The horses were really fun.



  1. crazybusy says:

    Very pretty, Julie!

    I had someone recently ask me, but I chickened out! I'd be afraid to mess up. 🙁 I get SOOO nervous shooting for other people, which is why I think I need to just leave it a hobby. LOL!

    Love, Alyssa

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congrats on your first session!! I actually prefer cloudy days – then I don't have to worry about blowouts on their faces from the sun or dappled lighting. Nice even lighting is the way to go!


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