Field Trip Sunday

I’ll be out of town some this week to care for my niece so that my sister can go back to work.  My niece had back surgery one week ago and is recovering slowly at home.  It was a major surgery for a 14 year old but we are hoping this will impact her life positively for years to come.

So, today we covered a day of school with a field trip.  Since my hubbie is taking off 3 days and will have school with the kids I thought having a cushion of a day, already counted, would help.  We had a great time except our 8 year old was bitten by a pig.  On the arm.  Hard. 

It’s really been bothering him since we got home and mean old momma, me, can’t help but get the giggles everytime he says something because….well…he was bitten by a pig.  A PIG!  Earlier this evening I got so tickled I couldn’t stop laughing and he got so mad at me. 

What was his arm doing in a mama sow’s pen any way? 

With that said here are a few unedited photos from today.  We had so much fun.  I got my settings just right on a couple shots and was so pleased.  It’s amazing how good photos are when the light is right and so are your settings. 

I also was gifted with a very early Christmas present from my darling hubbie and am swapping my XTi for a 40D!!  AGH!  I’m so excited!!!  It should be here this Friday or Monday of next week.  Pray it comes in time for next Saturday’s Championship Football Game!  We won one and lost one this weekend.  My 9 year old was so disappointed his team lost.  And it was exciting to see our 8 year old’s team beat an unbelievable good team. 

I just remembered I shot most everything in RAW format so I have a little editing to do.  Will post the "good ones" tomorrow!

(and maybe one of the pig too!)

Ah, hum.  Excuse that last (giggle) comment!

Baby girl…..

And her friend Dakota…


  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes, pretty much any farm animal will bite if given the chance. You need to be careful! I hope your niece recovers soon, that is pretty major for a child to have back surgery. Poor thing!

    Love these shots and YAY for a new camera. I'm waiting to upgrade, but I really can't wait. January can't come soon enough!


  2. tn3jcarter says:

    About that pig – although I'm sure it hurt.

    Have fun taking care of your niece. I hope that the surgery is great for her.

    And congratulations on your camera. I can't find mine right now AND I've dropped it a few times so it may not be much longer for this world. I've loved it so much though. Not sure what I'll get next when the time comes.

  3. basketflat says:

    It sounds like you had a (mostly) good weekend. Funny, or not so funny about the pig. I assume it wasn't too bad of a bite. Cute pictures of the girls. And, congratulations on the new camera. That should be really neat for you.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Those photos are great! And, I totally would be laughing about the pig, too! My children wouldn't think it was funny, either. But, I totally would be laughing!!

    You also made me laugh with the sunflower. Thanks for coming to visit my blog. Someday I'll have a decent picture of my head to put in there, but for now, it's the sunflower – AKA photoshopped/messed up head :).

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