An Update on School

I think we’re finding our groove after 4 weeks of school.  For my oldest we’re finding what works and what doesn’t.   All of them are learning what is expected and what is not.  It’s working.  And though some days are willy-nilly with four of my precious lambs at home acting more like wolves I love having them here. 

My oldest is 9!  NINE!  When did 9 years of his life fly by?  He was just a baby yesterday dumping baby powder all over his room and looking like something out of Ghost Busters.

God has had such a spirit of protection over his life.  I sit here and think back to all the ways God has protected him.  At 18 months he decided to take a walk out into traffic and everyone saw him and stopped while I ran to scoop him out of harms way.  He once fell backwards off a ladder onto pavement with hardly a scratch when I was expecting a cracked skull.  He fell out of the bedroom window once and landed in the bushes, about a 10 foot fall. 

Yep, the guy is quite adventurous, huh??!

He’s been our hardest child to raise.  God must have known that because he chose Christmas Day for his birth, telling me in the middle of the night that our son was HIS gift to us.  His Gift.  Do you know how that has gotten me through so many of the struggles we’ve had with him? 

God reminds me that it is my honor and privilege to raise him. 

"He is my gift to you, Julie.  That is why I chose Christmas Day, so you would never forget."

How do you argue with that?
You don’t.  You just humbly bow.

"Thank you God for your everlasting hand of protection over my family.  I ask that your hand of protection be over us today and always.  Keep us from the evil one, Lord.  Turn my children’s hearts towards you.  Woe them.  Call them.  Raise them up to be mighty warriors for your kingdom.  Let them stand for what is good and right and noble in your sight.  And may they love you with all that they are."

I humbly bow,


  1. great post, and AMEN!

    : )

    Jen ~

  2. I should say that God has had an angel watching over him! Wonderful post and tribute to him, Julie.

    Glad to hear that all 4 at home is going well. I don't know how you do it, but I'm sure it is nice to know that you have much more control over what they are learning. And that's actually "age-appropriate".


  3. Hey, Julie

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. You blessed me so much.

    How cool that you chatted with my sister and remembered. I love that. I'm going to link you permanently to my blog so I can check in on you from time to time.

    I know what you mean about your son. I have one too. One time he jumped out of his two story window to punish his sister who was babysitting him at the time. He didn't like what she was saying to him, so he was going to show her, he'd jump out the window? HUH??? He was probably about 8 at the time.

    Angels softened his landing, I am convinced…. so, yea, I hear ya on that one. Today he is 16 and the coolest 16 year old I know. He's changed so much and he's quite the warrior for God.

    I am so glad to touch base with you again.

    When you see my sister, give her a hug for me.



  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    I haven't hardly been to anyone's blog lately…But I do love reading yours, it is such an encouragement as always. 🙂

    This is such a sweet post! Our oldest will be 9 in November! It is crazy to think how fast they grow up.

    I am going to have to come back when I have some time and read through your posts that I have missed.

    Glad all is getting better and that your finding what works, I know there will be days when things don't go just right…I am learning that one with my 1st grader, he is my challenge in that he shuts down when he desides that he doesn't want to do something. My 3rd grader is just slow and likes to day dream a lot…Doing math for almost 4 hours is not ok with me especially when he already knows how to do it and it isn't that much. 🙂

    Hang in there!! You are doing a fabulous job looks like 🙂


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