Archives for August 2008

Family Fun

This weekend my sister and her family came to visit on Friday and then my mother in law arrived on Saturday.  My hubbie preached at church on Sunday so the troops were in for the big day.

Saturday we took a trip to the park.  I took some pics of my sister’s family.  I ended up liking this one the best.  It’s so candid and unposed.
With a little watercolor touch……

And here’s a funky one of my and my nieces.  My sister took this one.

More later!  My laptop’s battery is dying!!!
Always in HIM…

The ministry of mediocrity

I listened to Focus on the Family today and heard Trish Berg who wrote Rattled talk about what she calls the Ministry of Mediocrity.  What she said rang so true to my heart.  In her voice I heard my own.  And I remembered having talked with women about his time and time again.

My question:  What impression do you leave on someone when they enter your house or meet you?
Is it one that makes the person feel like they don’t measure up or do you present an image that is real?

What do you feel like when you walk into a spotless house?
Do you feel “less than” in some way?

When walk into a house with toys on the floor, laundry spinning in the laundry room and the morning’s dishes in the sink do you breathe a sigh of relief thinking, “Ah, someone who’s life is like mine?”

When you run into a friend at the grocery store who’s hair is in a sloppy pony tail do you feel relieved because you look about the same way?

What does the way we act say to others?
The image we present to the world and especially to other women?

“You must be perfect too.”
“Hey, there is no perfect, there’s just me.  Let’s grab a coke!”

Think about it…..

You gotta see this….

I don’t know how long this has been around but it’s the first time I’ve seen it.  If you haven’t see this…

Louie Giglio – Laminin

Ya gotta click and watch…it’s truly amazing!!!
IN HIM (by laminin)
