Standing on my head from the beach

If I sit just right with my feet on the wall in one room of the beach house I get someone’s internet connection….
So Happy Father’s Day all you dads!  I and we love you!

Here’s the fun we’re having at the beach!


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Jake & Jon would like swim shirts like your guys have on. Are those shirts cut to just fit them skin tight? If I'm going to get those kind of shirts, I'll have to order them online and I'm just wondering how many sizes up I'd need to go. My guys wouldn't like them SKIN tight, but they'd rather have a swim shirt than just a regular ol' T.

  2. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    WOW! I love the look of your blog.

    I haven't been blog visitng in a while. Glad I stopped by.

    I enjoyed catching up.

    I hope everyone is having a restful and fun time at the beach!

    Wish we were there!!! We go in the fall so we have a while of waiting but it will be worth it.



  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness. That last shot is so great!!!

    Blow it up!!! It is so fabulous!

    Try a Mpix Standout. I just had one made and it was wonderful!

  4. Anonymous says:

    oops. that was me. Donna aka Miz boohay

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