Archives for June 2008

Last day of school!

Today was the very last day of school.  We celebrated by swimming last night and today.  Food was in order too as we dined at Pizza Hut last night for dinner.  What a treat….we ended up at Pizza Hut on buffet night.  You should have seen my guys eat.  My littlest one…you know, the one with straight A’s this year.  Yep, that’s him….He ate more than I did.  I think I’ve seen the very first of “You mean we can eat all we want?”  If I counted correctly he had two pieces of pizza, a plate of peaches and a gazillion cinnamon sticks.  He out-ate both of his older brothers.  Must be something about being so smart this year made him hungry last night.  While he graduated from K5 the other homeschooled kids got trophies from mom and dad!


A Proud Week

This has been a proud week for us.  I think I forget sometimes that one of the important purposes of our homeschooling is to raise kids who love Jesus and can function in our world which is full of people who do not.   This can be accomplished through school at home or through regular school.  Some of you who read my blog know that we have two children in a local Christian school.  One was in second grade this year and the other was in K5. 

If I had to do it over again there are times I wish I’d kept our K5er home.  I think a full day was too much for him.  A half day program would have been better.  But we persevered (which was very hard) and he graduated, complete with cap and gown, last night.  It was one of those few sweet moments in parenthood when your heart just bursts with pride over your child’s accomplishments. 

Both children that were in school this year will be at home next year.  Our son who was in K5 is ready to be home but our rising 3rd grader wants to go back to school.  I’m praying very hard that God would change his heart towards next year.  I’ve felt that the Lord wants them home for this coming year.

So here’s a few pictures from last night.  One I tried to snap of the entire family since we were looking so dapper and several of our
all A’s Graduate!
(yep grandparents you can be proud of your next to the littlest!)

(Can I also add as a side note that taking photos inside a building is horrible.  I don’t know how you guys who take wedding photos do it.  I don’t think I ever got the lighting correct!  Then we went outside and it just got worse because I had 4 people waiting for me in the car and didn’t get to change any camera settings.)

What Fairies Do…

Saturday we had a few fairies visit our house.  They were of the pink and green variety.  Did you know that fairies can be very destructive?  They completely destroyed my little girl’s room.
They flitted around the house, in the house, out in the yard, around the driveway and then down the street.  They even stopped for a while to dig worms with one of the elves that was outside playing.  One fairy finally had to leave and that made the other fairy very sad.
She must have played very hard because she was asleep shortly thereafter.

The Baby Doll

Several of you have asked about the baby doll my mother-in-law purchased for our daughter.  It was pictured in the post link above.  It’s a Master Piece Gallery Doll.  Their website can be found here.

We’ve had the doll for about two years waiting on our daughter to be old enough to take care of her.  She is an "Oh so cute with bluebirds" doll.  I’m guessing that is the collection she came from.

You can also type in Master Piece Doll in Ebay and get several hits there. This company on ebay had a lot of them.  One came up in Amazon but it was EXPENSIVE!!! (click here to view)

Hope this helps!
