Works for me Wednesday

Today is partly about confession.  There is something we do as a family that I hesitate to tell people sometimes, especially homeschool moms because I know how tired we all are.  With that said my confession is this….We have a housekeeper.  Yep, an angel descends on our house once every two weeks and makes sure the toilets are scrubbed, the shower isn’t growing things and that my boy’s bedroom doesn’t have 1/2 an inch of dust covering it or mold growing underneath the beds.

It works for us.

We’ve vacillated between having her once a month (when money is tighter) and then, just recently, went back to every two weeks. This helps us to feel less overwhelmed in all that we do as a family.  It helps us keep balance in our lives.  Oh, we still do plenty of scrubbing, vacuuming, and dusting in between but knowing that at least twice a month everything is clean at the same time even if it lasts only for an hour is very comforting.

Sometimes as homeschool moms (and as women) we believe we have to "do it all" and for the most part we do so much.  Giving ourselves a break and letting someone else in to help really, well, helps!

So I encourage you to find something that will help you lighten your load today.  (psst….it’s okay, really!)

See more Works for me Wednesday (or today’s Doesn’t Work for me Wednesday) posts here.


  1. Congratulations with your housekeeper.

    I wish we could afford one.

    Feel welcome to read my post about what doesn't work for me and how I try to overcome it.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I really, really, really want a housekeeper a couple times a month. We can afford it, but I'm gone during the day and I really hesitate at giving my keys out to people I don't know (bonded or not!).

    Glad you are getting help!


  3. christinejoy says:

    Thanks for stopping by our family blog. I love the look of your blog.

    Oh, and I love the "confession" of your little helper. We keep going back and forth on hiring someone to come in and help but we never can find someone I can trust in our home. Anyway, have a great blessed day. Christine

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