Archives for April 2008

Vacation Day 4 (evening)

Even though I’m home now I thought I would post a few picture that I took AT the beach.  I waited for a sunset Monday night until I realized there were too many clouds for a good sunset.  So here’s a few pictures from my walk on the beach….

I think I miss the beach!

Vacation Day #4

While visiting my friend Sandy I got a chance to take pictures of her new granddaughter Lorelei (pronounced Lora-lie).  Here’s one of the best shots…

Isn’t she sweet?
I also got a chance to TRY a self portrait.  Something, if done at home, would bring rounds of “What are you doing mom?”, “Can I do it too?”, “Can I hold your 3 million dollar (just kiddin’) camera?”, “I promise I won’t drop it?”
So here’s my self portrait…

I travel home tomorrow!

Vacation Day 3

This morning I decided to go for a walk after my leisurely cup of coffee and breakfast.  I just walked around Sandy’s neighborhood looking for things to take pictures of.  I don’t have alot of time to just stroll when I’m at home, always rushing from here to there.  So, here’s what I found this morning.




Reflections that our sluggish economy is still moving…

I’m guessing they don’t want you stepping in this puddle, huh??

And a reminder that getting out of debt is a good thing because one day I may be able to afford a home at the beach like this one…

Vacation Time

Yep, vacation time, just for me. 

My sweet (handsome, strong, sexy) husband gave me a weekend away for my birthday last month.  Since the kids have spring break next week he thought now would be a good time for me to get away.  So yesterday I drove from our hometown near Greenville SC through Columbia, SC, onto Florence SC and then through the eastern part of the state, across the border to Ocean Isle Beach NC where our good friend Sandy lives.  So for the next few days I’ll be sleeping, drinking coffee, watching movies, strolling the neighborhood, catching up on my bible study and missing my family. 

Yesterday as I drove east I watched the outside temperature rise from the 50s at home to 68 near Columbia to 78 in Florence.  There is something about driving out of the rain and into the sun as the temperature rises that does a body good!!

So this morning finds me still in my PJ’s typing from the bed and drinking in a cup of Sandy’s coffee sweetened with White Chocolate Mudslide creamer.  Here’s where I usually write to you….
There is NO noise in the house except for her cats finding a resting place for the day and her spastic dog who is outside.  (love ya bud!…that’s her dog)

Photos to come!
Have a great Saturday…
I love and miss you family!

My love and hate relationship with Photoshop

I have to admit that I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Photoshop.  I’d much rather take a picture that is (sooc) straight out of the camera fantastic!!

Then there are times when I just love being able to get rid of someone or something with Photoshop.  Point in case…my second son’s very first touchdown run.  This annoying spectator was just in my way so I got rid of him.  The clone tool has to be one of my favorite!!

Can you find the missing man???  Now you see him…

Now you don’t!

Reason 3695 Why We Homeschool…

…we get to do school in our PJ’s on a pillow!
