Archives for March 2008

Yesterday's Field Trip

Yesterday we went to one of our favorite spots for a field trip.  My husband went with us which was a treat for me and for the kids.  The day ended up being overcast so the mountain stream was frigid!!  The kids enjoyed getting freezing wet but I think next time I’ll wait for a nice "sun-shiney" day.

This is my good friend’s child Ian with baby girl. I love the expression on baby girl’s face.  She had just put her foot in the water and found out how incredibly cold it was.

Here is my second born…"boys will be boys!"

This is a great shot of baby Ian.  Even he cooperated in this one.

Baby girl…

We were looking for spawning toads which we got to see last year. 
(Spawning toad 2006)

It was incredible to see the toads but this year they weren’t around for us to see so we had to settle for this little guy…

And we tried a family photo….
but the eldest was at the car changing into dry clothes and baby girl just wasn’t happy!
So here’s 5/6 of our family or 2/3 if you count our dog Sparky who was there but also "not pictured"

Have a great day!

No longer waiting

One of my new lenses came in and I LOVE it!  I’ve had so much fun taking photographs.  It’s so fast and just a great addition to my bag of camera goodies.

I have a question for all you plant lovers….
We have the most magnificent bush in the front of our house that blooms every spring.  It smells heavenly!  it really does make just getting out of the car a treat.  Now for my question…does anyone know what this bush is???  We’ve lived here 8 years and still don’t know.

Still waiting…

I’m still waiting on those lenses.  I’m hoping I didn’t make a mistake by ordering one off Ebay.  The guy sent it Parcel Post.  A big ole expensive lens Parcel Post!!  What is up with that??  Can you tell I’m just waiting to be angry?  I’m hoping that it is packaged well.

In the meantime I’m still having fun with the Macro lens a friend let me borrow.  Here’s a couple pics of baby girl and the shadows on the wall from our suncatchers.

"I’m just thinking mom, I’m not sure I want my picture taken!"

"But if you insist I guess it’s okay."

Not very "in focus" but still cool, huh??

Waiting, oh just waiting !

Well I got my new lenses ordered and I anxiously await the mail lady every day.  In the mean time a good friend of mine let me borrow his 100mm 2.8 macro lens tonight.  Oh, I’ve had fun trying it out.  This lens is VERY different from the two I own now.  It’s heavier and I’m manually focusing.  I’m also manually doing everything else.  Setting my own ISO and all that jazz…
So here’s some of the fun I’ve had tonight.  What do you think?

This was my first subject.  I played with the lightening for a while and settled on this with my tripod as my knees.

Then the corner of the frame on the wall looked interested.  And yep, it still looks cool.

This is my favorite shot.  My bible on top of my husband’s bible.  So much  right there in that photo….so much!!

As you can see mine is held together with a nice array of packing tape.  It does the trick!  Much love in it the 13 years I’ve owned it.  It was a precious gift to me from my best friend.

I had moved into the office and closer to the computer by this time.  Here lies today’s jewelry, a little of out focus but still very interesting to me that I can shoot under the lightening here.
Oh girls, do you see the dust on those pretty shiney balls???  Still cool though!

"I shall not be detered by something as significant as dust!!"

And here was the last shot (it’s 11 and we must sleep) I loved the light play here. 

So as you can see I’m off to learning!  Aren’t you proud of me Alyssa?
And everyone leave a comment for Rod and tell him how nice he is for letting me use his big old lens!!!  Yea Rod!  You’re the MAN!

always in HIM…
