New Camera Goodies

February is usually a good month for us financially.  Taxes and bonuses roll in about this time of year.  So while we are still on the Dave Ramsey get out of debt plan we usually splurge and spend money on something both me and my hubbie have wanted.

This year he wanted some new exercise equipment and I was contemplating a few things for my camera.  I use a Canon XTi but have two others that I use occasionally too.  My first digital camera was a Kodak Easyshare DX6490.  I still love that camera when all I want to do is capture something on film and I’m not busy trying to learn (which is where I am with the Canon).  And for Mother’s Day last year I asked for a pocket camera so that I could always have one with me to capture those moments I won’t get otherwise.  It’s a Fuji Z5.  I love that little guy too.  Having these two smaller cameras also allows my kids a chance to take pictures without me having to worry about their sweet little hands on my Canon.

All that said I’ve decided to buy a Canon 58mm f1.8 lens this year.  I’m so excited about getting it.  After spending two days reading up on the lens I’m even more excited.  I’ve learned some cool words like the term for that wonderful “out of focus blur” that is so desirable in portrait shots is BOKEH. And it has a lot to do with the lens you are using, not the camera or the photographer (yippee).  Here’s an article I enjoyed reading about the subject.  It has great examples and is easily understood.

I’ve also learned a lot about f-stop.  Why someone couldn’t come up with a few easily understood words is amazing to me. If you would like to read more about this particular lens you can find great reviews here. Alyssa at Live and Learn has helped in my decision making process.  She has some great advice on photography so check the tips on her blog if you have a chance.
Here’s a good discussion about f-stop or aperture.
And this is a good practical discussion about aperture(or f-stop) /ISO/ Shutterspeed and how they work together.

There’s a lot to learn when you dip further into the photography world.  Meshing all of it together can sometimes feel overwhelming.  So I allow myself times to learn and times just to shoot pictures in hopes that SOMETHING comes out good enough that I can fix anything that’s wrong in Photoshop.

One thing if for certain.  I love taking pictures.  It’s a gift my dad passed down to both me and my sister.

Thanks Dad!!


  1. You won't be sorry for buying the 85mm lens. It is a great one…I really love mine. I think your approach to learning is wonderful, too. That's how I did it…learn a little at a time. It gets too frustrating if you want to tackle everything at once!

    Stacy @ The Land of K.A.

  2. tn3jcarter says:

    Sounds kind of complicated to me, but I'm so happy for YOU! We're still on the hunt for a puppy. Well sort of – I've felt kind of rotten this week so I haven't felt much like hunting for anything … and then I think about housetraining a puppy … and i start to wonder.

    All that to say, you tell Caleb that yes, you all can head right on over to Kentucky and we'll carve out a spot especially for you all! :O)

  3. Titus2Mommy says:

    We are back to the world of the living….and blogging 🙂 I just wanted to say hi again and thanks for the comments last year (really 2006) on my blog. So many things have happened in our lives since joining the military and moving to CO.

    I'm glad to see you are doing well…and congratulations on your new camera!!

    God bless,


  4. Congrats on the new lens!!!!!

    Very exciting 🙂 I only have the 50mm 1.8 but am hoping to get a new one SOON!!!!

    Arn't they fun – I have fun reading about lenses too. I actually learned a lot about photography by reading lots of lens review!!!!

  5. ooh sorry.

    That last post was from Beth at jamestownboys. – I've never used homeschoolblogger – it all looks so different.

  6. says:

    Thanks for finding me over at blogger! It was nice to hear from you!

    I'm about to post our pre-show plans for tonight!! We love watching AI and have already picked our favorites!

    Who are you cheering for this year?

  7. says:

    Hey girl! I posted a rundown of last night's show on my blog! Yes, we are totally David A. fans. Wasn't he incredible last night. Really, really good!! Of the girls, we like Sayesha and As'iah (sp?).

    We might get to see the last 30 minutes of tonight's show, but if anything cool happens from 7-8, you'll have to tell me about it LOL!

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