Reading Fluency

I wondered if any of you have some suggestions to help with reading fluency or decoding for a 3rd grader.  My son is reading at the 3rd grade level and is doing well but his fluency and rate of speed are quite low which frustrates him.  If you have any tricks that have helped or know of a program that I can use please let me know.


  1. MOMatHWTK says:

    You might see if your library has a copy of Reading Rescue 1-2-3. This book has suggestions for improving fluency for all reading levels and I've found it very helpful.

  2. quietcajun says:

    I have heard good things about Explode the Code, but I have not personally used it.

    I can highly reccommend just more and more and more practice!

  3. mindycost says:

    our oldest has used explode the code…I started at a level where I knew he would build confidentce, and then we've ended up skipping a book recently so that it is more challenging…

  4. Juliestew says:

    Explore the Code helps build fluency?


  5. We've found that memorizing short poems helps a lot with fluency. Practicing the same piece over and over makes it theirs, and the rhythm of poetry makes it a little more interesting. Robert Louis Stevenson is one of our favorites. Also, the book Games for Reading by (I think) Peggy Kaye has wonderful games to help with decoding, fluency, and lots of other stuff. An elementary school reading teacher borrowed mine months ago and still isn't ready to give it back. 🙂


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