Guess what happened here? (or Freaky Friday for sure!!!)

After much prayer and petition by the children of SC God answered and look!!!

And yep, we still have Christmas decorations outside!  (that’s my husband’s domain (smile))


  1. mindycost says:

    Yeah for you! Hopefully by tomorrow we'll be seeing the same stuff in Alabama!

  2. ClagettsFLStyle says:

    What great pictures! Your house looks like an entrance to Narnia!! How fun!!

    The Christmas lights always make snow look great!

  3. tn3jcarter says:

    And those lights are so pretty, I'd leave them up too – maybe not through the WHOLE year or anything. But they definitely do brighten up a drab winter.

  4. BChsMamaof3 says:

    How beautiful. Maybe it's a good thing your hubby hasn't taken the lights down yet, they look so pretty lighting the snow 🙂

    Blessings to you and your family,


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