On our way home

Today we drove the 4 hours from the beach to my mom’s house.  Tomorrow we’ll finish the trip, another 4 hours.
We had a wonderful 2 weeks at the beach.  The weather was great and we all had a fantastic time.  Today, Father’s Day, has been rough though.  We had to clean the beach house, herd the kids from the beach and into the car, sit in stand still traffic for a while, all before finally making it mom’s to find the cough syrup had spilled all over the clothes I’d put in a bag for tonight and tomorrow.  So I sit here listening to the tumble of the dryer, exhausted and trying to get the last of the children in the bed.  And it’s one of those times I need to remember to be thankful for a roof over my head, a washer and dryer and a bed to sleep in.  I’m ready to cuddle up in my Lord’s arms and to to sleep.

Sometimes it never feels easy, especially when we’re tired.  And we ARE tired. 

So good night.  Here’s a couple pictures from the beach.

Here’s our youngest son- the surfer dude.
This is my youngest neice playing with our daughter.  Baby girl LOVES her Kensley!

One night we had big thunderstorm and there is a low spot in the road just down from the cottage.  The kids had a blast playing in the huge puddle afterwards.

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