Be Huge God (The House part 1)

“Be Huge God”

That is the biggest thing I learned in my Beth Moore study Believing God.  I’m learning more and more to believe He is who He says He is, He’ll do what He says He can do, I am who He says I am, I can do all things through Him, and that His Word is alive and active in me.

For any of you who have done the study you know what an impact these 5 statements have made on Beth’s life.  And they are continually making a huge impact on my life.

God has been moving in strange ways here lately.  He’s had me looking at land.  And yes, land has always been in my heart, He knows that.  But affording land and a house, now that’s a different story.  Moving with four kids?  Different story.  Moving without my husband’s company paying for it all?  Different story.

He led me to this house less than a week ago.  And out of obedience we have done what He has asked us to do up to this point.  It’s scary.

And He knows that.  This morning my husband called me to tell me he had something he believed the Lord wanted me to know.  It’s verses out of Joshua, chapter one.

And in all this I’ve thought so much about how we limit God.  Do I allow Him to be huge in my life?  Do I allow Him to be huge in my finances, in my kid’s lives, in my marriage, in my relationship with Him??

We are following in what we believe to be obedience to Him, the one we serve.  The one who cares for me more than I could ever imagine.  The one who hung the stars and the moon and called the sun into existance.

I’m not ready to tell the whole story yet but I hope to be able to tell you of his love, his grace, and his glory more and more in the coming days.

“Be Huge God”


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    I know that when He gave us this farm, it was totally amazing. More than we dreamed of. We went from a 5 acre home to 45+ acres with barns & creeks. Almost 10x what we would have been thrilled with. Yep, He showed Himself to be HUGE.

    Now maybe I need to remember that as well with our vehicles….

  2. Hearthstone says:

    Julie…it's 5:09…what has the Lord done this evening?! Just read your note on our Hearthstone page – we're praying!!! Please, as you have time, let us know what the Lord does!

  3. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    May you continue to see the huge God that loves you move in your life.

    That house is beautiful!

    May His will be done.


  4. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    May you continue to see the huge God that loves you move in your life.

    That house is beautiful!

    May His will be done.


  5. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    May you continue to see the huge God that loves you move in your life.

    That house is beautiful!

    May His will be done.


  6. Anonymous says:

    That exact passage is one I look to every time I need encouragement. I'm so glad that it touched you guys too! Please know that Robin and I are praying for you all! Can't wait to hear about what God is doing in your lives right now.

    ~Carrie C

  7. Dechertimes2 says:

    Awe-inspiring! 🙂

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