God's Ways are Not Our Own

After my husband’s first week-long trip in quite a while I found myself 5 days into his absence feeling like a hole would be a wonderful place to live.  A nice quiet dark hole!  With no kids.  Or dogs.  Or cats.  Just me.

It was Thursday night.  The boys had a flag football game.  It was cool outside.  It had been raining and storms were still threatening.  I was tired of cooking, trying to figure out what to feed my kids AGAIN.  Fast food sounded horrible and I wanted MY mommy. 

My Beth Moore Bible Study has taught me to pray, "God, Be HUGE."  So as I was feeling sorry for myself and praying for God to be huge, to do something that would lift me up, change my pity party or make a steak and baked potato meal appear on the side of the highway with my name on it.

We had to go to Wal-mart after the ballgame and then headed to the farm for a night of camping in the rain and thunderstorms.  As we rounded the corner headed home this is how God, indeed, choose to show me just how HUGE he is….

From one end of the world to the other there was the most giant rainbow.  It seemed to stretch all the way around the world. 

The other part of this story is that my youngest son has been praying to God that he would allow him to see a rainbow for about 6-8 months.  And Thursday night God shifted everything in me by answering my boy’s prayer, showing me his "HUGEness" and taking my eyes off me and back onto him. 

What a God, huh???


  1. I often feel that way (want to run for some peace and quiet) when my husband has to work late…for the 4 time that week. Thank you for reminding me to seek God in those 'pity me' times.


  2. HomeForHim says:

    Oh, I love those God-awesome things He does!! How absolutely beautiful!! Gi-normous, as my kids would say. Thank you so much for sharing. You've reminded me that I need to do that more often. Thanks for blessing my day.

    Keep Shining,



    HUGE indeed.

    How blessed we are to know HIM.


  4. abidinglove says:

    God is good – all the time!!! Thanks for sharing the blessing…~Colleen~

  5. castlekids says:

    The rainbow is such a beautiful sign of God's love. What an awesome answer to prayer for you and your son!


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