Well, I'm going again.

Some of you may have remembered my trip to Palm Springs CA with my hubbie last year.  This year it is Pheonix, AZ.  I leave on Saturday.  I’m excited to get to spend a few days with only my husband!  But again, I dread the flight.  I get motion sick very easily so airplane rides are always tense for me.  Any turbulance and I’m barfing in bags.  NO FUN with a plane full of people.  So I’m writing to ask for prayer and to also ask that you’d pray for my brood while I’m gone.  Baby girl is still trying to shake that stomach virus.  It’s been horrible.  We were at the park today.  She was in the backpack and ended up leaving the entire day’s stomach contents on me, my back and and all over herself.  She’s been throwing up since Sunday.  Guess tomorrow is time to call the dr.  She’s acted fine for the last two days but each day about 4pm she looses everything.

So I covet your prayers over the next 5-6 days.
More from Pheonix AZ….



  1. 3menandalittlelady says:

    Haven't been by in a while. Like the look of your blog.

    Just thought I would stop by and say hello. Hope all goes well on your trip!



  2. tnmomtomanyblessings says:

    I'm waiting patiently for when I can put my little one in a back pack. We have a front pack but he is just so big! However, I hpe I never have barf down my back. I get enough of that on my shoulder : )

    I'll keep you in my prayers. Have a delightful trip. Take some pictures!



  3. FarmGirlShelley says:

    I will be praying for your baby girl. It is so hard when they get sick. I will also pray for a safe trip for you. What are you going to do with yourself with NO KIDS!!!! LOL!! God Bless.

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