Archives for November 2006

So what's in your bed??

So what's in your bed?

Our daughter sleeps with everything we'll let her put in her bed.  About once a week when we're doing laundry I hide half of her toys from her because if I don't they all end up in her bed.  She has books, dolls, stuffed animals, blocks, balls, her play cellphone and anything else she can talk us into.

I thought I'd share a very MILD version of a packed crib.

This is what she pulled out of the crib this morning to take into the den with her.

Here's her older brother in what used to be MY favorite blanket. (Before kids took over)

So….what's in your bed???

Have a great Monday.

Fellowship at it's best.

Tonight we took advantage of the cool temperatures in SC and had a wienie roast with friends from church.  It was so much fun.  They have a big ole dog name Goliath, a horse named Jack and plenty of land for the kids to run around on.  I just love evenings like this when all seems right in my little world.  God is so good to give us times like these when He lets us see a little piece of heaven here on earth.  Enjoy the pictures!


Where have I been?

It's been nutty week.  My hubbie traveled all week (his third week of travel) and it seems we had tons of things to do.  I finally broke down and got tires on the van (I hate spending money on things like that), we had dentist appts, chiropractor appts, field trips, play dates, school work, and on and on. 

Plus, I'm writing over at the Company Porch for the month.  I'm responsible for the Tip of the Day which is new every week day so I'm using all my creative juices to come up with something useful each day of November.  You can visit the Company Porch by clicking here.  Scroll down until you see Tip of the Day…that's me writing there!!!  If you don't see (or hear) from me for a while here on my blog you know that's where I am. 

My best friend and I keep missing each other when we call so here is my official, “I love you girl!!” to her.
Scooting on along…
