There's no coach like dad…

My boys have had the privilege of having their dad as one of their coaches this year.

I can't tell you how awesome it has been to know that he is out there on the field with them.

I've been so blessed because of the comfort I feel knowing he is out there for the right reasons….to serve his God and to serve those kids.

His love for football is something he wants to relay to those kids but that goal comes behind his love for Jesus.  He wants those kids to feel good about who they are and why God has put them here.  He wants to encourage kids in their walk with God.

Some of these kids may go on to be professional football players.  Some may discover their heart for serving.  Some may go on to seek fulfillment in other sports.  But no matter what they choose God has chosen to touch each of their lives through my husband.

For that, I am extremely grateful and ever so humbled.


  1. hahahahahahaha

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    Have a wonderful day!

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