The Best Hour of the Day

Today my husband and I spent about an hour lying on our driveway enjoying the breeze and the fall temperatures. It felt like one of those beautiful Colorado days with no humidity, crystal blue skies and a gentle breeze.
He chose the shade and I chose the sun. As I gazed at the sky I thought how often I need to take the time to stop and admire all God has made for us to enjoy.
And I also got to enjoy my husband. We laughed, we talked, we rested as the kids pulled one another in the wagon and baby girl slept inside. What a joy!
Thank you God for rest and for the good sense to take the time to stop and smell the roses.

In Him,



  1. That sounds like one of those moments you just want to hold onto forever. I love this time of the year in the south…a lot less humidity and air feels so clear. Perfect for sitting outside with your honey 🙂

    Oh, and DH and I would like a room that faces the slopes.

  2. abidinglove says:

    Hi Julie, Sounds absolutely wonderful – we should stop and take time to do things like this more often, after all these are the things that really matter and that build relationships and memories. In Him, Colleen

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day! I would have chosen the sun too! : )

    Happy Day!

    Julie D.

  4. CTdittmar says:

    Great to hear from you recently! Every time I visit your blog I just love how it looks! So glad you’re savoring these lovely fall days. I do love fall…it’s so refreshing, and one is inclined to savor the pleasant days because you know they’re numbered!

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