One is that we had homegroup (our church's version of sunday school) tonight and I was so struck by the conversation around the dinner table. There weren't many present tonight but the ones who were discussed their disappointment in the public school system. As I battled with pride at being able to homeschool and fought with Satan over that I also felt so sad that most of America's children are battling all I heard tonight. A class labeled as art where no art is taught but some “moral” agenda taught by the guidance counselor…all this unknown to the parents who really think their kids are taking art; PE being taken away at the 5th grade level because it's not important; notes constantly being sent home about a kid having a “bad day” because he doesn't get PE and he's a BOY (goodness gracious!); learning the rules of baseball but not how to play baseball. And the list goes on and on.
What are we leaving for our kids? Who will their kids be? Will they be shipped off to school like we send dogs to the kennel? Lord, give me a heart to pray for these children, for Godly examples in their lives, for teachers that don't undo all their parents are trying to do and for the strength to stand up as Believers, those of them who are.
The second thing on my heart tonight is how sneaky Satan is. I've been studying about the difference between the word “bride” and the word “wife” as it pertains to us being the bride of Christ. I really felt some revelation today as God taught me about being his bride. And then Satan comes right in and tries to make me feel “less than” through a conversation after homegroup tonight. He tries to plant the worst thoughts into our minds.
Satan, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus. I stand on God's truth and not your lies. I am a bride….to Jesus and to my husband. I am chosen, beautiful, sought after, lovely, and your prize. Help me Lord to act, speak and love like a bride.
Tonight is one of those nights l long for heaven. One of the nights when I hate the battle that wages against my soul and the souls of our children.
As I once read, “Lord, COME and for the sake of the children, come quickly.” (author I can't remember)
IN HIM…………….

Hi~ I was checking in on a friend, admiring her beautiful new baby boy, Levi. I happened to read your comment, and I’m sticking my nose where I shouldn’t. =0) I figure since she’s busy and don’t know if she has had time to answer you or not … the song is Legacy by Nichole Nordeman. It’s my favorite song, so that’s how I knew. Anyway, I’m glad I was being nosy because I really enjoyed reading your blog. I hope it will be alright if I come back again.
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous!
As I have more of my friends tell me about the notes that they are getting home about topics being covered or drills that their kids are having to go through “just in case”, I also am reminded of my responsibility to pray for those kids because I love them. Sometimes I just think what fun it would be if people just yanked their kids out of school and we could all just encourage each other down this homeschool road rather than constantly battling the pressure of *measuring up*.
You’ll have to blog more about the difference between being a bride and a wife. Sounds interesting. :o)
Yes.. it is Legend—thanks for stopping by my blog. I always enjoy my visits to yours.
Be blessed today!
Yes.. it is Legend—thanks for stopping by my blog. I always enjoy my visits to yours.
Be blessed today!