A beautiful day outside!

Well today we completely spent the school day outside in the beautiful 70 degree weather.  We did get math done but knowing cold yucky days are upcoming I took today to be a total outdoor day.  We got a nature walk in too right at dusk.  Then we played outside at the park until dark.  It was great.  We even got by the Dollar Store for all the things we needed for our Christmas Shoeboxes.  Tomorrow is busy with a field trip, dentist, pizza lunch with my oldest son's old school and trick-or-treating at 5pm.  Whew!!
Pray for energy!
Have a blessed day!


  1. Today was our first truly “nippy” day. The beautiful sunshine was highly deceiving!

  2. Hi! I haven’t been by in so long. You’re a busy mom 🙂 Hope all is well.

  3. tn3jcarter says:

    I love those special times of fellowship. And I really love the picture of that dog. Looks like my kind of dog!

    Love y’all,


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