Archives for September 2006

A big day at our house

Well, yesterday was a big day around here.  My four year old learned to ride his bike without training wheels.  He was so excited.  We haven't been able to get him off his bike, even after dark.  He's turning and riding down the hill now.  We're so proud of him.  Here are a few pictures from yesterday.  This was before we found the bike helmet so we substitued with a football helmet. 

Also, my 7 year old scored his first touchdown tonight and my 6 year old carried the ball in the game for the first time. 

My babies are growing up.

Remembering the victims of 911

I remember all too well where I was on that horrible September 11th day.  How about you?  In honor of the men and women who died there I'm remembering…

Lorraine D. Antigua, age 32.

2996 people died that day. 

Sometimes I think I'm crazy

Do you ever have those “What was I thinking?” moments?

I had one last night as I replayed the day in my head as I tried to sleep. 
Yesterday consisted of:
1.  weekly visit to chiropractor for the entire family 10am
2.  have tires rotated and balanced while visiting chiropractor at tire shop next door
3.  feed kids semi-healthy meal at Zaxby's
4.  make bank deposit
5.  drop off cranky 2 year old with pink eye at home for a nap because dad is at home and see dog looking sad.  allow dog to come with us for intended nature walk.
6.  continue on to take 4 year old to 1/2 day K4 program by 12:30pm
7.  continue on for a nature hike with 6 and 7 year old along with 2 other home school families
7a.  finally tell two older boys where we are going so that 4 year old wasn't upset before going to school.  happy yelling and hooping!
8.  arrive at park and hike into woods.  find scorpion, centipede, slugs, roaches and various other critters under rotting bark on dead tree.  discuss mushrooms, decaying trees and bag worms.
9.  make it almost to our destination, the creek, without any mishaps EXCEPT for said dog rolling in very fresh horse manure.
10.  bathe said dog in creek
11.  find salamander
12.  7 year old gets stung by yellow jacket
13.  hike back to car on dirt road instead of nature trail to get to K4 in time to pick up 4 year old at 4pm
14.  listen to 7 year old talk about how bad his leg is hurting as i watch it swell.
15.  rush back by the house to drop off son so dad can administer Benedryl.
16.  while at home take 2 year old with me to pick up 4 year old so dad can get back to work
17.  7 year old calls me on the cell phone while dad is actually AT HOME to cry about his eyes hurting.
18.  pick up 4 year old and rush back home only to find…
19.  7 year old's lips and tongue are swelling.
19a.  discover child is VERY allergic to yellow jacket sting.
20.  call pharmacist at CVS because i'm convinced doctors really are from another planet.
21.  give 7 year old second tsp. of Benedryl and administer daughters Epi-pen Jr. 
22.  have NO IDEA needle on Epi-pen is three feet long and don't warn 7 year old. 
23.  tear big hole in 7 year old's leg.
24.  more screaming
25.  ice on hole
26.  try to decide ER or no ER (I hate emergency rooms)
27.  decide to watch him 30 more minutes before going to ER
28.  swelling subsides some
28a.  wrestle 2 year old to the floor twice to administer pink eye drops after 2 days of breast milk drops in her eyes are not helping the problem.
29.  decide made right decision about ER
30.  call back friendly CVS pharmacist to tell how 7 year old is doing.
31.  more Benedryl in 4 hours, watch closely…….
feed kids, hubbie off to football, walk around like a zombie, fall into bed at 11:30 and can't sleep.
32.  and wonder………
 WHAT WAS I THINKING?????????????????

The Best Dad in the World!!

We have the best dad in the world.

After caring for 4 baby kittens for 8 weeks we we took the remaining two kittens to our local pet store last night so they could find a home for them.  I did it by myself which I think was harder than having the kids with me.  Both my older boys had a football game last night so I dropped off the kittens on the way to the football game.  I felt like I'd given away one of my children.

I didn't sleep well last night and kept trying to let my head win over my heart where the kittens were concerned.  So this morning we went by to see the kittens and also talked to all the birds, hamsters, mice, tarantulas and various animals as we held and petted the kittens. 

My oldest son was so sad he cried when we left.  Trying to be rational I talked to him as I held him about the expense of kittens and animals…..the food, vet bills etc.

I had already decided we were going to take the morning off from school since the weather here is turning so very beautiful.  So as we headed for the park we continued to talk about the responsibility of animals. 

We called dad while we were at the park with our “sad missing the kittens” voices and he decided to meet us a little later with pizza for lunch.  When he arrived he also had a box.  Guess what was in the box?  Both of the kittens!

What a wonderful kind loving father he is.  He's not a cat fan and sacrificed his own desires for that of his long-faced children and wife.

I think that will certainly get an extra crown in heaven don't you?
Basking in His LIGHT,

Labor Day Weekend

This is how you get
ready for bed

First, a little alphabet beanbag while we dance to Barney.

Then we make sure all the bedding is “just so”

One must have on pink sunglasses and designer shoes that mom got real cheap off of Ebay.  (She sleeps with this stuff on!)

Now we're ready to crawl under the covers!
Girl Style!

The girls…

Here’s a picture of me (since everyone says they never get a photo with me in it….there’s hope since my oldest has become a shutterbug) and baby girl in our  PJ’s with a backdrop of ALL my scrapbooking supplies.

