Day Two

Well, day 2 of our school year was as wonderful as day one.  We made scrolls to learn about how the bible was originally made.  We used craft paper and unsharpened pencils to make the scroll.  My oldest is journaling in his and my 1st grader is putting his A,B,C's in his. 

My second grader is breezing through his math which is good because he'll be in another book soon and he'll feel as if he's doing something different from his little brother.  I started them both in the same book knowing he'd move through his faster.  We're using Singapore Math

My Father's World starts with a review of letter sounds so the my second grader is breezing throught that too.  And God gave me the neat idea to have him journal in his scroll instead of just pasting his letters in there. 

As soon as I get to the store to buy some cornstarch we're going to make jars to put our scrolls in.  That ought to be loads of fun.

So, again God has encouraged me in my journey.  Have you checked out Nancy's blog about her first week?  Wow!!!!
Run on over there and check out her story.


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