The End of Day Two after Surgery

Today has been like everyone told me it would be.  I've been tired and slept most of the day.  My sweet hubbie is tired too.  Please pray for him.  One of my drains came out today.  It was a little scary but the doctor said it was okay.  So I got a small peek at the results but was really too nervous to look to far.  I think I'm still amazed I don't have what I've always had.  Wow.

So we'll see what tomorrow will be like.  Today was a sleep day and I'm still tired.  I slept, ate, wandered around the house and then slept some more.  Now I think I'll fall asleep beside my husband while he watches a movie.

Keep praying for us. 


  1. OreoSouza says:

    Oh Julie! I’ve been so remiss at reading blog entries since the whole thing with Peter, and I’m just now reading about your surgery! Wow! And I didn’t even get to pray for you. But I can pray for your recovery, especially since your husband will be traveling so much.

    What was the surgery for? How long do you expect recovery to take?

  2. Canadagirl says:

    That is a very good thing to do. You are healing while you sleep. I know you will be thankful so when dh goes on his trip you will be better off. Do you have back up durring that time?

    In Him,


  3. Mamishelle says:

    I am praying for you and hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care and God Bless.

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