Archives for July 2006

The End of Day Two after Surgery

Today has been like everyone told me it would be.  I've been tired and slept most of the day.  My sweet hubbie is tired too.  Please pray for him.  One of my drains came out today.  It was a little scary but the doctor said it was okay.  So I got a small peek at the results but was really too nervous to look to far.  I think I'm still amazed I don't have what I've always had.  Wow.

So we'll see what tomorrow will be like.  Today was a sleep day and I'm still tired.  I slept, ate, wandered around the house and then slept some more.  Now I think I'll fall asleep beside my husband while he watches a movie.

Keep praying for us. 

Day Two after Surgery

I'm amazed at the prayers I have felt from each one of you praying for me.  My pain level is low, I've had none this morning.  I got up for my blessed cup of coffee (which I didn't get the morning of surgery) and a banana so I could take some pain medicine and I'm not sure if I even need any.

The house is quiet and dark.  One of my cats sits on the chair behind my neck purring.  Quiet.  Mmmmm.  Don't you love it?

My mother in law and sister in law are here to help through Sunday.  It so nice to know I don't have to do anything.  No laundry, no cooking, no dishes etc.  Celeste washed my hair yesterday for me which was so wonderful.  I can only have sponge baths until I go back to the doctor on Monday. 

Do you ever have that true sense of contentment like you are right in the center of God's will?  I have it now.  It's probably the time of rest that I've been given before life heats back up but I love it.  Rest….do any of us get enough of it?

Well I started this post to tell you all how effective your prayers have been.  Thanks for praying for me.  Please keep us in your prayers specifically for my husband's travel over the next three weeks, “pretty” scars for me, and a fast recovery time.  I have lots of wonderful friends to help that love me very much.  I am blessed.

IN HIM who loves us so

Recovering from surgery

I know you'll all think I crazy for blogging less than 24 hours after surgery but it's 4am and I can't sleep.  I think all went well.  I have a huge ace bandage around my chest and drain tubes.  My pain level is kept in control with medication.  I just can't move much.  Typing is probably the only thing i can do because I'm just moving my fingers.  My husband says I was a little scary coming out of anesthesia.  Apparently I was hot and kicking all the covers off me while thrashing wildly about.  I think he was considering leaving me there since I was acting so wildly.  Thankfully I've sobered up.  Honestly I remember very little before or after surgery. 

Keep me in your prayers for healing.  My husband leaves next week and will be traveling off and on for three weeks straight.  I may have to call in the troops to help since I won't be lifting anything for a while.

IN HIM who sees us through ALL things

PS…..the kitties are doing great.  Peanut actually left them two times yesterday to go outside for a few minutes.  she's the best mom!

Photos of our new babies…

Here are the photos of Peanut with her kittens.  She's such a good mommy.  Off to “la-la land” and surgery tomorrow.  Pray for me if you read my blog in the AM or sometime tonight.

Here she is after one kitten has been born…….

Here she is with all four.  Look how much smaller her tummy is then in the photo above.

Here's a close up of one nursing…..

And here is a better picture of one of the kittens on top of her brother or sister.  They all look so much alike!!!

New Babies

We have four brand new baby kittens this morning.  Mommy labored early this morning and has four babies that look exactly like her.  We are so blessed to have all four of them healthy and nursing.  Mom is resting comfortably while the kittens nurse.  I'll post pictures later.  We got to watch all of them being born!  What a great homeschool experience!!!

One more day and counting….

Tomorrow at midnight I officially have to stop eating.  YIKES!!  No morning coffee, no breakfast Wednesday morning.  YIKES again!!

Oh well.

Just wanted to post these sweet photos of my baby girl…
Could the eyes be any bluer?
Could the lips be any sweeter?
Could the hair be any prettier?
Ah….I love that God have me a girl.

Sunday night

I don't have any pictures to share from the lake on Saturday but we had a great time.  The humidity was low here so it was a nice break from southern heat. 

I kept nursery today at church so not much to share there.  Homegroup was great tonight.  We reviewed John and went over chapter 10. 

Tomorrow is a busy day so I'm off to bed.  Hope you guys had a good weekend.



I feel like the next few days before surgery are going to be nuts.  Please remember to pray for me Wednesday AM at 8EST. 

Tomorrow is a day of fun at the lake again.  Yippee!!
Sunday is church, a birthday party and then church again.
Monday is karate camp, chiropractor, play date at the pool.
Tuesday is bible study, karate camp and all last minute prep for being mentally and physically out of it for who knows how long, mother in law comes.
Wednesday is the big day.  I have to be at the hospital at 6:30am.  My surgery is at 8am and should last 2.5 hours.  It's also the last day of karate camp.

Whew!  I'm tired just thinking about it.

Maybe I'll have some more fun pictures from the lake tomorrow to share.

In the meantime here are my FLOPS for eyecorn's contest!!!  I got them in Atlantic Beach, NC.  Beaufort, to be exact.  I love them!  They are so comfy and pretty.  Although hard to tell in the picture they are pink and brown.  Tres fashionable!!!!!

(Side and bottom view…..and just because I'm a really industrious homeschool mom I have a bottle opener on the bottom of my shoe in the event we're somewhere that doesn't have one )

I couldn't get the rest of the crew to stand still long enough to take pictures of their shoes on their feet but if I can get them before the contest ends I'll include them later!


Happy 4th of July

I feel like we have already celebrated the 4th.  This weekend we spent Saturday at the lake with friends who own jet skis and a boat.  It was so much fun.  I loved riding the jet ski again.  It had been a while.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.  I hope you all have a great 4th of July.

Here's everyone on the boat…..well, everyone but me.  I'm on the shore with the camera of course.

Can you believe people actually ride this thing?  That's my son who is second from the right…..and NO, that's not me with him.

#2 son and dad looking like Tom Cruise

#2 son and his theatrics

Baby girl and her “su-su”  or sucker in the English language

“the rascal”  #3 son swimming next to shore

#2 son waiting for dad to take hime for a ride

Hubbie and #2 son on the jet ski

My oldest son with his toothless grin!!!

Some really great sites

Please go welcome Kathy to the family of HSBers.  Her writing is so real, heartfelt, honest, raw, and led by the Master.  The name of her blog is Kamp Splete Home School

Go give her a big HSB welcome.  I know you'll love her.

And has anyone checked out Preschoolers and Peace?  It's got fabulous ideas whether you have a preschooler or not.  The above link is to her website.  Her blog site at HSB is here.  She also has a great link to My Lil Picasso which is a fabulous website for prepackaged crafts for your kids!  Oh, I'm so going to use them this year for my four year old.

