Twos, Mice and Men

Let me start with the most important thing first. 
I know, you think I'm going to say “Who can live with them?  Who can live without them?” 

Well, no.  I want to brag on my guy.  He left here with half of his face feeling bad yesterday and had to go for an emergency root canal this afternoon at 4pm in CT.  After calling our dentist here they recommended he see a dentist there because they were not able to prescribe antibiotics in another state.  So after a trip to the dentist, a couple shots of novocain, they send him in a cab to the oral surgeon.  Wham, Bam, Thank you sir and he's had a root canal in something like 15 minutes flat.  Want a little unsolicited advice from my hubbie?  Pick an oral surgeon with a tee time.  

After his surgery he WALKS (you'd have to carry me) to the pharmacy for some pain killers the surgeon prescribed.  As he's walking a Corvette pulls up beside him and it's the oral surgeon.  “Hop in.  I'll give you a ride.”

Can you imagine?  I guess for all that pain and suffering he deserves a Corvette ride, huh??

Now, about the mouse.  My big fat tabby cat “Little Kitty” decided to knock over the mouse tank the day before yesterday.  I hear this big thud upstairs, mount the steps two at a time to find the little white mouse running for dear life through the mess of cage, pine shavings, water bottle and glass that once-upon-a-time was his home.  All the while “Little Kitty” is in that pounce position ready for some home cookin'.

Thankfully, after a scream or two and a dive for Junior (the mouse) all is well.


AND my sweet little baby girl turned two this past Sunday.  TWO!
Where does time go?

So, that's it for me today.  Time to clean up that cat puke under the dining room table.  Wonder if that's payback for the mouse rescue?

IN HIM (always)


  1. Julie, you never have a boring day, do you???

    Oh, your poor hubby. I am glad he found a surgeon with a tee time lol.

    You are da mama! You saved the mouse. I can see you now bounding up the steps and bouncing the cat before he pounces the mouse.

    Yep, the time flies. My baby turned 12 this weekend. The year fly by so fast and the days are endless…….

    Maybe you’ll have a less exciting day tomorrow?


  2. eyecorn says:

    Oh, you’re poor DH…dental problems are awful, but away from home. Yup, he deserved that corvette ride!

    Poor mousey…oh, and cat puke, I do think they do it on purpose. Now, I’m not feline pyschologist, but I think you’re right…it was payback!

  3. giggles3 says:

    Wow, what a thing to go thru.

    And the mouse thing, too funny.

    And of course Happy Birthday to your little one. My little girl will be three in July, I am asking the same question… What happened? Where did the time go?

    Any who, have a wonderful week and I am sorry I haven’t been here for a while I will try harder to come and visit here more often.

    Many Blessings,


  4. Anonymous says:

    Cats…can't live with them, can't live without 'em. Or as my dear hubbie says:

    Cats…can't live with them, can't shoot them. I do catch him snuggled with the cats occassionally, so I guess they've established their domination over his resistance 🙂

    Edited by kindredspiritMom on May. 31, 2006 at 7:57 PM

  5. kindredspiritMom says:

    Happy Birthday to baby girl! Also…your husband is incredible. Not only does he have the whole John Wayne thing going on, but he must have made an impression on the snazzy Doctor for him to want to give him a lift. Pretty cool. Speaking of cool, Mickey called and he wanted to know if you could move down to Florida and be his personal body guard? I’d visit you!!!!

  6. ChathamMommy says:

    LOL!! I totally missed this post somehow (too many people on my blogger friend list?).

    Our cats haven’t yet figured out that they can knock over the cages, but they do chase the little exercise ball around when we put the rats into it. If one ever gets out of the ball (it happened pre-cats), it is very likely going to make a very meaty appetizer.

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday, special princess!

    Happy birthday to you!!

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