After reading Amada's post about the giant monster in her closet I remembered a funny story from when we were first married.

my husband is definitely scared of spiders.  he had a room mate when he lived in california that collected black widows.  i remember him telling me stories about John throwing wads of black string over the shower onto him saying, “say hello to blackie!”  at which my husband would promptly FREAK OUT.

when we were first married and living in TN he came running into the bathroom one evening while i was showering.  he was yelling something like, “come here, come here!  it's an emergency”  (i had visions of this being my life after children, not with my newly aquired and very handsome husband)

quickly drying off i enter the kitchen with towel wrapped around my body to find my husband standing across the kitchen from a giant wolf spider shooting rubber bands at the thing.  okay, it may be a female thing but what if you hit it and it goes running instead of dying.  YIKES.


what do i do?  i promptly jump over the spider, grab the can of RAID and position myself for the death spray.  Ready.  Aim.  Fire.  What???  What's that?  As momma spider is promptly curling to her death a million zillion quadrillion baby spiders who where inconspicuously perched on her back run for dear life.  needless to say my spraying radius got bigger and bigger.

i think the entire breakfast area got a dose of RAID.

now that they are ALL dead….
who gets to clean them all up?

I'll let you guess!!!

now don't get me wrong…my hubbie will slay the fiercest of dragons for me, but spiders?  no way!

hoping you run into NO spiders today Amada!!!


  1. ROFLOL! I can just picture this scene!

  2. ChathamMommy says:

    LOL… and ACK! Okay, you all have me looking under my feet for baby spiders, now. I may have to start wearing shoes in the house again!

    Go SuperWoman! 🙂

  3. This is my worst fear everytime I smash a spider! My Canadian friend who also lives here in Peru once killed a spider (Raid wasn’t handy) and it was about to have babies or something, but the moment her husband went to smash it all the babies went everywhere!!! Yuck. Now, whenever I smash one I’m afraid there will be babies! I used to be like your husband, but living here, I amaze myself with the spiders not only that I’ve smashed, but that I’ve captured! Once I caught one and it very soon after laid eggs that later hatched into babies. They ended up eating each other for lack of food, but it was very interesting to watch! My kids and I enjoy catching the big ones for that reason. Sometimes we put two big ones in together. They fight and then the winner ends up eating the loser. That way they survive longer… 🙂

    I can only stand a big spider if I know where it is. If I lose sight of it, it turns me into a paranoid wreck.

    Thanks for your comment!


    Cajamarca, Peru

  4. jaminacema says:

    I tried to email you about you question about Space Camp, but my email is not working right so I thought I would leave the info here:

    Thanks for visting my blog. Here is what I know about Space Camp….We had 150 kids paying $14.00 each. (Great deal.) I imagine each case would be handled based on expense. (We live in an area that is pretty cheap to fly to.) But you just need to contact them and ask what they would charge to come to your area. I actually just took the instructor out to dinner and she told me this was the 1st Space Camp they have done out of the Alabama area. They are wanting to do more and have just hired 10 new teachers to make it possible. It is awesome and well worth the work to set it up. You can contact them through there website at


    Go for it!! Let me know how it turns out! I just posted about the 3rd and final day if you want to read more.

  5. jaminacema says:

    This makes me feel so much better! My dh also comes and gets me to kill spiders! What is it with these big, though men? LOL

  6. Julie..that is just so funny!

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. It was nice to hear from ya 🙂

    I loved your horseback riding pictures, btw.


  7. nsremom says:

    I have a dragon slayer husband as well….but when it comes to snakes? He just doesn’t like ’em. I’ve made fun of him so much about it that now he forces himself to pick up little, tiny ones just to show how manly he is now. ha,ha. Everyone has something the just dislike. I’m with your husband.

  8. dinomomm says:

    What a riot! Isn’t it funny how our dhs all have something that freaks them out. For mine it’s the sight of blood, even the graphic description of gore can make him lightheaded. I was so worried that he would pass out in the delivery room with my firstborn, but he came through like a champ. Thanks for your comments on my blog and avatar. I’m not sure what I was looknig at–maybe it was a UFO! LOL.

  9. chickadee says:

    thanks for stopping by. what a story. my husband is the same way about snakes.

    i wish we could find some tadpoles. we have looked all over. i’m still hoping to get some this summer. you’ll have to try again. when i had some before i just put in plants from the pond. and i remember gathering sticks with algae on them and the tadpoles would just gobble it all up.

  10. Hi Julie,

    Thank you for the beautiful prayer. I really needed it today and it helped me so much! I was able to take a long nap and I’m feeling somewhat better. I’m really trying to keep my eyes on the Lord and have faith. I’ve been looking at the circumstances again UGH. I need to keep meditating on the scriptures instead.

    You’re a great blessing to me, Julie 🙂


  11. ThreeLittleLadies says:

    I get the creeps reading it, and my adrenaline is pumping. I can just imagine you in your towel shooting raid at a spider and its million babies while your husband cheers you on in the corner. I can feel the anxiety too. I’m so glad my knight in shining armor will kill the spiders too!

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