Look at Me….

I got to go horsebackriding today thanks to my wonderful husband and my friend Adonnya.  My hubbie watched the kids and Adonnya provided the horse.

Here I am (first time in 15 years)!  I'll let you know if I can walk tomorrow.

My friend Adonnya.


  1. tn3jcarter says:

    Looks like you had a great time. I bet you LOVED every minute of it. I haven’t gotten to ride since Cherokee died. I just prefer to go riding with someone. We miss old Cherokee!

  2. DandelionSeeds says:

    How are you feeling? Maybe that’s what I need… tee hee…

    Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday! May you find true joy in your children and the blessing of motherhood.

    Praise God for allowing us such a wonderful, life changing experience as raising His children!

    In Him,


  3. kindredspiritMom says:

    Wishing you a blessed and Happy

    Mother’s Day! I’m glad to be on the

    mothering journey with you.

    Love and prayers,


  4. I was about to take horseback riding classes again a couple of years ago, but then promptly found out I was pregnant. Someday. 🙂


    Cajamarca, Peru


  5. Hoping you had a very Blessed Mother’s Day!

    Thank you for the time you invest in your precious children. God Bless!

    ~ Janne

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