(good friend )
A good friend of mine has been borrowing my camera lately to capture her family's spring activities. She's becoming quite the photographer. It's been so fun when she returns the camera to see the photos she's taken. There are always a couple of pictures that her kids have taken. I enjoy them because they show me life from her children's perspective.
This weekend her husband ran in a triathalon. She borrowed my camera to take pictures of the race. Last night I got to look through them and I was struck by just how much her hubbie has changed in the five years that we've known him and how much his friendship with my husband has impacted both of their lives.
About three years ago our friend was stuggling with his weight and a possible job change. He began running for mental and physical strength. My husband, who has always been a runner, began running with him. And I think that is when their friendship began to grow. Since that time they have become good friends….buddies, I guess. They serve at church together. They still run together occassionally. And they serve the same Lord.
I remember seeing our friend trudge around our cul-de-sac like he was running through quick sand. But each day we'd see him slowly, steadily running. Sometimes we'd push the window down and yell something encouraging to him. Othertimes I'd just sit and think how dedicated he was (and how painful it looked).
As I looked at the photos from this weekend I wondered how his path would have been different had my husband not reached out at a time when he needed a friend. He has been an amazing example of endurance to me as I have watched him change from someone trudging around my cul-de-sac to someone running, swimming and biking in a triathalon.
Thanks, Clark, for being an example of “going the distance”. My prayer for you is that you would apply grace to your life as you continue to do so…..
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes on not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2Corin4:17-18
Wow. How encouraging that in a short amount of time your friends husband was able to radically change his life. How amazing. I think triathletes are tremendous. The running part especially. WOWIEE.
Thanks for sharing this!
The Lord really used this post to kick me in the seat.
Two things it inspired me to do. One, quit being selfish. If someone asked me to borrow my camera I would freak. How selfish of me. I’ve been stewing over my step-daughter having one of our memory cards. I’m done, everything is the Lord’s anyhow.
Second…this man and his determination. I want to start really walking again. I ran in my 30’s, I’d love to run again, but I’m not really a runner.
Again….thank you, thank you,
I always enjoy your blog posts, a lot of times I get interrupted and don’t have time to comment.
Wishing you a blessed evening,