Where do they go?

“After the Rain”

It thunderstormed here today.  I love thunderstorms.  God's majesty and all that.  But as I sit here checking email a thought comes to me as I watch the butterflies on the azaleas.  Where do butterflies go when it rains?  Do they have little butterfly condos or something?  Where are they safe that their precious little wings don't get damaged?  Do they smell the rain coming?

Anybody know???
Please comment if so.

Have a blessed and wonderfilled Jesus day.


  1. kindredspiritMom says:

    I checked back to be enlightened by some science focused Mom. but since no one has answered this question I found out that butterflies use forests/trees as umbrellas from storms. When loggers came to Mexico and infringed on a supposedly “protected” butterfly area, they killed off 80% of the Monarch population ~ the butterflies got wet and froze. They are very delicate creatures. Makes me appreciate seeing them all the more and how God keeps so many alive despite their fragility. I have great sympathy for the fragile!!!

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