Too much for one day?????

After my 6 mile long comment at kindredspiritMom's blog I decided just to copy and post here.  So here was my day……on top of my hormones, I set out to conquer the world today without even knowing it.  I have worn myself slap out.

After 8am yoga for almost 2 hours, where my instructor tried to get the front of my thighs, my belly button and a couple of coconuts flat onto a wall for some type of strange/strange torture yoga pose (I couldn't do it. my thighs were killing me.).  THEN I left the chinese torture chamber feeling alive and refreshed (much to my amazement), ran to Stuffmart for all those fruits and veggies I'm eating and came home to help my friend Melinda finish painting our boys room. We're turning the upstairs loft into their room. Three coats of paint on one wall, two on all the rest.  A quick shower and off to pick up # 1 son from school. 

Then I drop off the carpool kids, hit the paint store ONE MORE time.  And back home to move two rooms of furniture up the steps and then down the steps. My office had so grown to the size of an overstuffed potato.  I've accumulated so much junk in my office!!

By this time all of my children are about to kill one another they are so hungry so it's time to cook dinner!  Hubbie cleans the kitchen, which he does very well I might add and we straighten up the new room (my husbands idea NOT MINE). Thankfully he's the one who toted the bus load of office stuff down the stairs while I hooked up the computer

Finally all the kids are down but the boys are making so much racket in their NEW room I think the paint fumes have warped their brains.

My lower back is killing me and I'm ready to fall asleep while my hubbie watches me type. Oh well…off to read blogs.  I need a  margarita and a heating pad!!!


  1. thewestiecrew says:

    Whoa, girl…you *have* had a productive day!!! I, on the other hand, played the role of heifer with an outstanding performance. Glad you got so much accomplised, that always feels great!

    Gayle 🙂

  2. Whew, Julie, you did have a busy day! You got a lot of work-outs too 🙂 I love to eat fruits and veggies. I am so glad that we’re coming into berry and melon season. I’ve been buying berries, but they are so expensive! I’m ready for June and lots of fruit.

    I’ve already had my glass of wine and now am going to read blogs a bit before bed. I hope your back feels better in the morning.


  3. Anonymous says:

    You are such a great combination of real, funny, poignant, creative and deeply spiritual. Can you donate an egg for our next child? Just kidding…I loved your 94 things about yourself. I finally have a friend with feet bigger than mine, except that size 12 on a 6'2" body fits a lot better than my size 10 feet on my 5'3". I have similiar bosom challenges when I do yoga too. I think I prayed too hard for endowment in junior high. Now I no longer wear a cup size, I'm just 38 long…

    Edited by kindredspiritMom on Apr. 14, 2006 at 8:06 PM

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